
sexbomb. sexbomb. 

Hab gestern den Doppelgänger von Max Raabe getroffen (der war lustig, aber ebenso unsexy wie das Original. Ich glaub, er sah das aber anders...).

Discover Max Raabe & Palast Orchester!

Sonst gibt es wenig Neues zu berichten...

p.s. Danke auch dem doofen besoffenen Engländer, der mir im Les Halles volle Kanne auf den linken Fuß gesprungen ist: JA es TUT WEH!



new addiction: 




it's been a while... 

...since I posted the last time and some things are different now. After all, the portuguese post-its were taken off my wall, I will get less germanwings boomerang points (at least not for regular Lisbon trips), I miss southern summer and the heart is a little colder too. It's mending day by day though. No regrets.

I should've known better. Life never happens as you plan it. Note to myself: "Stop making plans, just live day by day. and enjoy it."

Hope you enjoy life too... no matter where and with who you are.



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